Free the Mallocs!

I was representing BASES at an IU Computer Science Career Fair once when I saw a student wearing a t-shirt that said "Free the Mallocs!" For the Luddites out there, "malloc" is a keyword in the C programming language that allows you to allocate memory for a chunk of data. You were supposed to call "free" when you were done with that piece of memory so that it wouldn't be floating out there wasting system resources and potentially corrupting other applications. Hence "free the mallocs", a good programming practice from back in the day. Apparently I was the only one to get that joke at the career fair.

At any rate, the reason this came up again was because my good friend Terry had a birthday last weekend, and she wanted people to get together and write letters to political prisoners on behalf of Amnesty International. So if you have a half an hour to an hour to spare, I encourage you to write one. They're supposed to be short. Less than a page, and there's boiler plate text for you to copy. It's not brain surgery.

Day 3 at work progresses. Things are going well. Cliff is back from New York, so I might actually have to start getting work done now. Owen Hall is a pretty old building, and I'm sitting right next to one of the old-school radiators. Old-school in the strictest sense of the word. I think that thing is older than I am. Cliff is installing Mandrake 10.1 on his new Athlon64 machine. I'm back and forth between updating an accounting report and trying to figure out how to customize OS X to its fullest extent. I like my new job. I like it a lot.

One more digression before I "open Apple"-tab back to work. Did any of you catch the Legend of EarthSea on the Sci-Fi channel? I thought it was alright, though I didn't catch the end of the second show. Danny Glover was pretty cool. Then again, I never read the books. Those books are one of Erika's favorites, and she was a little miffed that they altered the story as much as they did. On a somewhat related note, the new Battlestar Galactica series has seriously piqued my attention. I loved the original, and I'd like to see what they've done with the new version. I know that Starbuck is a girl now. Weird.

Ok. The end. Back to the grind.

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Spam makes commentors cry. :(

Anyway, this article is on the first page of Google (for me at least) for "free the malloc()s". Thought you would want to know.
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