In Other News...

I quit my job today.

I've been with ACNielsen BASES for the past six years, since I graduated from college. My last day is December 10th. After that, I'll be starting up with IU's School of Continuing Studies doing web development with my buddy Cliff.

There are several factors involved in my leaving BASES, but the two biggest reasons are because Erika had no job opportunities in Cincinnati, and we didn't think we really wanted to live in there long term.

It's a little... weird, quitting the first job I've ever had. I'll definitely miss some of the people I've worked with at BASES. Hopefully we'll be able to stay in touch somewhat. They should all get blogs too, so we can find out what's going on with them at our convenience.

Blogging is such a great technology for "pull" social interaction, as opposed to the "push" methodology. People can come here whenever they want to find out about my life. They don't have to wait for me to send them an e-mail or call them or something. And if they comment on a post, I can comment back or get in touch with them directly. (Am I pimping the comments a little too hard here? Be honest.)

Er. I digress.

Anyway, if you're reading this, don't forget to update your contacts list. My BASES email address will no longer work after the 10th. Well, it might, but I won't be getting any of the messages. You can reach me at my Gmail account from here on out.

p.s.(My wife is hot!)

p.p.s.(I think maybe I have Attention Deficit Disorder.)

I can say my wife is hot if I want to!

If I tell you that I DON'T want you to get me when I go home, does that mean you will? You realize, of course, that you can't win, regardless of what you say...
Good design!
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Well done!
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Well done!
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